japanese chin

“Tsukuyomi No Ko”, the Belgian kennel in Antwerp that specialises in promoting the Japanese Chin recognised by the Belgian Royal Canine Society, St-Hubertus. Our kennel solely focuses on pedigree-certified dogs that provide healthy and high-quality pups in accordance with the FCI guidelines, inspection group 9, section 8.

A Japanese Chin is a rare dog breed regarding which there are very few specialised breeders in Europe. Our main aim is to keep the breed pure with our Belgian representation. Nice that you are visiting our website and we hope that you take your time gathering as much information as possible about this unique breed. We are more than happy to help if you require additional information.

japanese chin

Physical features

A Japanese Chin (or Spaniel) has a wide and round head and is slightly snub-nosed. Their nose is at the same level as their eyes. Their eyes are black and are well separated from each other. An adult dog has a height at the withers of 20-27 cm and weighs between 1.8 and 5.5 kg. They are elegant, noble dogs with a satin soft coat. The only permitted colours are white and black, red and white and lemon and white.

japanese chin


Always happy and they love the attention of their owner. Although a Japanese Chin is regarded a lapdog, you should not underestimate their intelligence and independence: they can have a mind of their own. Chins are always stylish regardless of whether in relation to their physical appearance or how they behave. They really appreciate the companionship of their owner, attention, moderate exercise, playing and giving love. The Chin will immediately see through the intentions of people. Those with good intentions, will be their friend, but the opposite is also true.

japanese chin


They have a silky coat without an undercoat and therefore are easy to maintain in top condition. They shed little to average. Having a feathered coat is a typical characteristic in relation to their ears, neck, thighs and tail. The fine hare-shaped feet complete the picture. If you take the time to brush their coat so now and again, you will experience an easy maintenance routine. The Chin must never be shaved or plucked. You do not need to schedule visits to a dog groomer.